The Silver Hill Low Rate Program: What You Need to Know

The Silver Hill Low Rate Program is our solution for your most credit-worthy commercial real estate investors and business owners. This program makes it possible for you to offer a non-bank solution with rates starting at 6%!

If you have struggled in the past to find alternative solutions for borrowers who fall just outside bank guidelines, this program could help you capture more business generate more revenue each month.

How to Help Your Client Create a Bridge Loan Exit Strategy

Educating prospective borrowers is an integral facet of any commercial mortgage broker’s job. Business owners and investors rely on brokers to provide expertise and identify the challenges and opportunities they may encounter while securing a loan.

But brokers who take on commercial bridge transactions bear additional responsibility when it comes to client education. This is because bridge loans involve several wrinkles that are not typically found in a typical commercial mortgage transaction.

Find Value and Success in Small-Balance Commercial Lending

The great Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” While Einstein in his brilliance may be right that value can be greater than success, many have found success by having more value to offer than competitors.

With the current level of uncertainty regarding interest rates and the housing market in general, it’s best that mortgage originators begin to look for other strategies to ensure success for the rest of the year.