7 Top Small-Balance Commercial Marketing Channels

Have you ever heard a marketing expert talk about the importance of “getting your name out there?” In the commercial mortgage industry, effectively broadcasting your ability to close commercial loans can only be accomplished through the adoption of a multi-pronged marketing strategy.

Focusing your efforts on the following 7 channels can help you increase small-balance commercial production by connecting you with potential clients and new referral sources.

How to Rock Your Business with Social Media – Part 1

Do you ever get those solicitation emails from social media gurus? The ones that invite you to pay big bucks for a course that will teach you how to market your business on every social channel? The problem is that most of these gurus can’t tell a rent roll from a dinner roll. They think seasoning is what you put on steak and a balloon is what you get on your birthday. In other words, they aren’t familiar with the mortgage industry. The thing is, social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter provide a real opportunity for brokers to expand their network and grow their business. But you won’t get the most out these channels by adopting generic networking strategies.